Izzy Berzsenyi

The Alleyway

For this project, I was a part of Northeastern’s student led design studio Scout as a web developer working alongside a team of other developers and designers.

Our team worked with a client to design and develop an interactive and experimental online art journal.


Spring 2021


Lead Developer


React, Next.js

Project Motivation

Driven by a shared commitment to amplifying marginalized voices and fostering allyship, The Alleyway embodies a mission to transcend traditional boundaries of online discourse.

Our team was motivated to design an art journal that was interactive, inviting and was an intersection of art, technology and activism.

Technical Learnings

  • Developed website using React and Next JS, as well as using Styled-Components for styling and animation.

  • Utilized Prismic as the CMS and deployed the website on Netlify, which illuminated the significance of efficient content management and seamless deployment workflows in maintaining a dynamic online presence.

  • Collaborated closely with designers as a developer, to find a design that is innovative yet achievable in the given timeline.